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Real Estate Industry The Future of Real Estate-Risks, Opportunities, Areas to Watch by Inside the Minds Staff ISBN: 9781587620645 List Price: $27.95
The ABCs of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Professors From the World's Top Business Schoo... by Inside the Minds Staff, Joh... ISBN: 9781587622236 List Price: $14.95
Ways of the Techies The Future of Technology and Where the Opportunities Exist by Inside the Minds Staff ISBN: 9781587620669 List Price: $27.95
Semiconductor Industry Industry Leaders Discuss Their Knowledge on the Future of the Semicon... by Inside the Minds Staff ISBN: 9781587620225 List Price: $27.95
Career Empowerment: Executive Recruiters on Leveraging Your Talents and Making the Right Dec... by Inside the Minds Staff, Wil... ISBN: 9781587622403 List Price: $27.95
The Ways of the VC (Inside the Minds) by Inside the Minds Staff, Asp... ISBN: 9781587622175 List Price: $27.95
The Art of Advertising: CEOs from Mullen Advertising, Marc USA, Euro RSCG & More on Generati... by Inside the Minds Staff, Mik... ISBN: 9781587622311 List Price: $27.95
Inside the Minds The Automotive Industry by Inside the Minds Staff ISBN: 9781587620652 List Price: $27.95
The Invincibility Shield for Investors: Minimizing Losses, Maximizing Gains and Drafting a M... by Inside the Minds Staff, Way... ISBN: 9781587622182 List Price: $27.95
Making Your First Million (Through Investing): Leading Financial Minds Reveal the Simple, Pr... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622397 List Price: $27.95
Making Your First Million (Through Real Estate): Leading Financial Minds Reveal the Simple, ... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622380 List Price: $27.95
The Innovative Lawyer: Managing Partners From Bryan Cave, Coudert Brothers, Jenner & Block &... by Inside the Minds Staff, Tho... ISBN: 9781587622243 List Price: $37.95
Jump Start: Getting Your New Business Venture off the Ground Quickly, Profitably, and Succes... by Inside the Minds, Inside th... ISBN: 9781587622250 List Price: $27.95
Buzz Building: Generating Excitement and Attention from the Marketplace Around Your Company,... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622441 List Price: $27.95
The People Quotient: Finding and Empowering the Right People to Propel Your Company (Inside ... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622410 List Price: $27.95
Profit Seekers: Finding Ways to Garner Additional Profits from Existing Products & Services ... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622274 List Price: $27.95
Executive Rules: Habits, Strategies and Game Plans on Succeeding as a Business Executive (In... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622304 List Price: $27.95
Inside the Minds: The Corporate Lawyer: Industry Insiders on the Successful Practice of Busi... by Inside the Minds Staff ISBN: 9781587622328 List Price: $37.95
The Billion Dollar Brand: Leading Marketers Reveal the Ways for Any Size Company to Achieve ... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622458 List Price: $27.95
The International Executive: Rules for Doing Business Overseas (Inside the Minds) by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622434 List Price: $37.95
Java Pros: Java Experts Reveal the Tricks of the Trade for Java Programmers of All Levels (I... by Inside the Minds Staff ISBN: 9781587622427 List Price: $27.95
Lawyer's Idea Journal: Industry Experts Share Their Knowledge on the Art and Science of Fina... by Inside the Minds staff ISBN: 9781587622342 List Price: $9.95
Leading Product Liability Lawyers: Chairs From Debevoise & Plimpton, Kaye Scholer, Bryan Cav... by Inside the Minds Staff, Dav... ISBN: 9781587622335 List Price: $37.95
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